“It IS important to measure your performance against

  • Aug 14, 2018

“It IS important to measure your performance against your past success, but it’s even more important to measure against your TRUE POTENTIAL
~ Nibo R. Qubein
Speaker, President of High Point University

Why is it we rarely see into our future, most live just for the day, the moment! I realize tomorrow is not guaranteed, but certainly having personal goals are the things that will keep you motivated preventing stagnation and complacency.

Your capacity and potential are far greater than even you know.
If money were a non-issue, what would you do? What would you pursue? What drives you, moves you, excites you?

I believe most people do not attempt anything different, is we crave immediate satisfaction. I encourage you to enjoy the journey!

Pick one thing, one thing that gets you excited – and get moving!

Do the research, start out with little steps but keep moving. Archive the process, enjoy each step, you will love the ride.

I am now writing my third book, it’s been a challenge, but it’s almost complete, due out the fall. I’m excited, I’m motivated, I can’t wait to get the finished product in my hands.

What’s next?

Become more fluid in Spanish, dive with the Great White sharks, study winemaking, achieve my CSP designation…? All the above!

Performance can be measured in many ways; don’t get stuck in a rut, explore your true potential – you’ll amaze yourself!

Until next week, reach to new heights, I want to know what YOUR next adventure will be, those one or two things that will stretch YOUR potential. 

Best CQ

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