Cliff Quicksell Associates
Speaker | Coach | Consultant | Author
“Success usually comes to those that
are too busy to be looking for it”
Henry David Thoreau,
If you remain focused on your goals (they must be written down) you’ll
be amazed how successful you’ll become.
It’s very difficult to serve two masters. What I mean is, if your focus is diverted, if you’re trying to run three separate
businesses something WILL suffer. I have yet to see anyone run two concurrent business successfully by themselves.
I always stress to folks whom I work with regularly; in order to build a viral and profitable business
develop strong vertical markets.
As I have mentioned over-and-over again; if you are focused on five major vertical markets,
you’ll be so busy you wouldn’t need or have time to look for additional business.
Success and focus are synonymous with one another…stay busy,
stay focused and your sales and profits will SOAR…!
Those that have followed my plan and strategy have seen the results!
Have a great week and continued good selling! - CQ
Cliff Quicksell Jumpstart Monday©