"Time to Devaluate Your Brand"

  • Nov 6, 2019


“You need to set your own value so people can use that
as a benchmark for who you are!”

Louis Kaplan, President
Brand Wear Designs

One of the greatest failures in business is not understanding one’s own value.

Not knowing this, or worse yet purposely cheapening your value by
discounting, being the lowest bidder, does nothing but

Devaluate Your Brand

I once had someone ask if I could speak for their organization for half of my normal rate?

I responded by asking if I could give a half-delivery, with half the enthusiasm,
and half the normal information, in half the time?

They then understood…do you?

Your goal in business is to help, aid, and assist clients to get the most

out of every dollar they spend and to exceed expectations.

That comes at a price!

Know your value, set the benchmark and deliver.
There are indeed folks out there who want and need you and are willing to pay.

Until next week, and to my dear friend Louis for this insight…

Continued Good Selling - CQ

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