Cliff Quicksell Associates
Speaker | Coach | Consultant | Author
“If you tell me about service and quality and customer focus, you haven’t answered my question,
because a hundred other brands stand for that. If you are what others are, then there’s
nothing here to own or protect or build upon…are you one-of-a-kind or even one in a million?
A brand that stands for what all brand stands for stands for nothing”
Seth Godin
Speaker & Marketing Guru
As I speak around the world, there is a common fallacy, regardless of the country; Australia,
Europe, Canada or the US; the majority of people believe, truly believe, that customer service is their greatest differentiator.
Hundreds if not thousands of other brands stand for the exact same thing. If that’s the case,
how does a client, when trying to differentiate themselves make a sound choice of who to choose?
Generally, it comes down to price.
As Seth stated in our quote for the week, “…are you one of a kind, or one in a million…?”
It‘s a daunting process, it’s never ending; redefining, repurposing, reevaluating,
are all functions which must be tended to whenever the competitive landscape is voracious.
I would encourage you to look at ways of refining, what your company stands for,
what differentiates you from the masses? What makes you uniquely different in a very common industry?
Do this now!
If you’re like everyone else, you truly stand for nothing!
Embrace and leverage your communities, that’s a great place to begin!
Today is the day; it’s totally up to you
Until next week, elevate your game, stand for something that
distances you from the competition! Then trumpet it! CQ
Cliff Quicksell Jumpstart Monday©